Monday, January 7, 2013

What is insurance profits?

In monetary terms, lost profits is money that would not have happened livestock damage. For example, the merchant whose goods have been destroyed as a result of the car accident can claim the price of it, and the benefit that would have been obtained, the taxi driver, as a result of a road crash, lost days of work while fix your car, the lawyer who lost the sight of a trial ...
In Spain lost profits compensation of victims of road accidents. The courts are generous when it comes to compensation for moral damage but are more restrictive property damage. When an accident with personal injury, the law distinguishes between:
• Current Consequential Damages: hospital expenses.• Loss of earnings: disorders arising from the inability of the victim to work for the duration of convalescence.• Indirect damage future treatment costs permanent sequelae.• Loss of earnings future earnings foregone as a result of disability.From the Spanish Union of Insurance and Reinsurance (UNESP) note that the 'Spanish System for Damage Assessment Body in car accident', better known as the scale, is obsolete and urgent update because reality has changed siniestral substantial.
The car insurance insurers support the need for the upgrade, but warn of a consequent rise in prices, from Unespa suggest setting a ceiling. The employer supports a more fair and balanced than the present, which is consistent with victims' associations, but clarifies that the increase will affect the cost of car insurance compensation because "we pay all". With reservations, victims advocate for economic protection for the most serious injuries, especially for families who lose one of its components to provide income or household work.
The eligibility requirements for compensation for loss of earnings are as follows:• That the profits exists and can be tested, along with his relationship with the damage. This requirement is more difficult to prove.• What can be determined economically the amount that has not received. For example, if a person was unable to work for a month because of an injury in a traffic accident, loss of income was his salary for a month (less, if applicable, pensions could have received).

Restrictive legislation

Unlike Spain, in almost all European countries are seeking full compensation for injuries in traffic accidents. Economic damages are repaired without restriction in the UK, Germany, France and Italy. The courts in these countries are open to the setting of compensation for loss of earnings, while moral damages are valued more arbitrary and restrictive in these countries than it is in Spain.Our country has followed the tradition of the restrictive interpretation of the so called profits, causing difficulty plus the whole satisfaction, which, in the opinion of the expert, "should not happen in cases where the proof of loss has been properly proved. " And is that the legal system of assessment established by the Revised Text of the Law on Regulation and Supervision of Private Insurance not say whether the compensation for loss of income in the event of death, permanent injury or temporary disability of the victim, exhausted to weightings of the Scale.

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