Monday, January 7, 2013

Car insurance for people with disabilities

People with disabilities face a multitude of obstacles in their daily lives. Those with disabilities are in the market only vehicles adapted to their condition, have to spend much money in suit and most insurers do not cover the needs of this group.
Seguronce was, until recently, the only institution offering car insurance for disabled. This organization has developed its services in order to provide specific solutions to associations of disabled people which have resulted in the marketing of specialty insurance and adapted to the needs of this group of people.
Some private insurers are committed to promote in your wallet car insurance for disabled people, who have always been in the background or it may not have been considered. In 2009 he launched the first exclusive car insurance for disabled and since then more and more.
Such policies cover situations and offer a number of very specific services, responding to the demands and needs of a sector composed of about 700,000 people using adapted vehicles.In such policies find very specific coverages: luggage including wheelchair transfers and escorts direct client to your destination by car or taxi adapted (Eurotaxi) if immobilization workshop or car accident passenger travel expenses by accident or disease of people with disabilities during the trip; adaptation of vehicle coverage without additional cost to an amount, typically the first 4,000 euros; guidance on handling of appeals or requests for financial aid.
In some cases, it also provides psychological and social counseling in case of accident. All this is covered up to certain amounts, normally valued at 5,000 euros.
The essential condition is insurance that suits all insured, whatever their situation and need. For people with disabilities that private insurers they think is a big plus, on the market since minorities are sometimes problems to find solutions that suit them.

However, insurers in this market can find new business opportunities and niches that can make a company that specializes in put them ahead of the pack with ease.

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